原汁原味 美国小学生的英语课 500集全
- 【001】antonym rap
- 【002】美国本土小学幼儿园英语语言课程教学现场实录
- 【003】making and breaking compound words
- 【004】word choice
- 【005】four square vocabulary cards
- 【006】miss nelson is missing!
- 【007】dramatic vocabulary
- 【008】exploring compound words
- 【009】face of a reader
- 【010】figurative language and poetic devices
- 【011】ball toss questioning
- 【012】global partners junior details
- 【013】images and words
- 【014】instructional terms
- 【015】listening center
- 【016】literacy cafe in first grade
- 【017】literacy in mathematics
- 【018】literacy in science
- 【019】literacy in the math center
- 【020】cross-curricular word wall
- 【021】making science fun!
- 【022】math investigation station
- 【023】math word wall
- 【024】minds-on math
- 【025】expand vocabulary wall
- 【026】new words game
- 【027】nouns, verbs and adjectives
- 【028】novel study
- 【029】over the rainbow!
- 【030】people, places and things
- 【031】research on sustainability
- 【032】shared reading of big books
- 【033】super words
- 【034】super words
- 【035】supported dramatic play
- 【036】the e in the café
- 【037】tree art
- 【038】vocabulary vine
- 【039】weather mind maps
- 【040】double the fun
- 【041】haiku poetry
- 【042】美国小学生的英文写作课 complete a comic!
- 【043】fix my mistakes
- 【044】fix the morning message
- 【045】forming letters
- 【046】handwriting without tears
- 【047】interactive bulletin board
- 【048】language-learning wall
- 【049】magical m and more!
- 【050】morning message
- 【051】no caps or punctuation
- 【052】not just playing in the sand!
- 【053】pointing fingers!
- 【054】print so it's easy to read
- 【055】printing with pizzazz!
- 【056】contractions review
- 【057】阅读流畅性与表达能力的培养 big book read aloud
- 【058】阅读流畅性与表达能力的培养 book bins
- 【059】book buddies that work!
- 【060】chants, poems and reader's theater
- 【061】chicka, chicka, boom, boom
- 【062】choosing
- 【063】creating a leveled library
- 【064】fostering independence in reading and writing (virtual tour)
- 【065】daily five
- 【066】developmental reading assessment
- 【067】document camera for shared reading
- 【068】easy reads
- 【069】echo reading, cloze reading, and vocabulary discussion
- 【070】elbow to elbow, knee to knee
- 【071】elbow-to-elbow, knee-to-knee feedback
- 【072】face of a reader
- 【073】fluency phones
- 【074】fluency phones
- 【075】gathering place
- 【076】good fit books
- 【077】guided and independent reading
- 【078】guided and independent reading
- 【079】guided and independent reading
- 【080】guided reading
- 【081】guided reading
- 【082】guided reading
- 【083】how to use café
- 【084】literacy cafe in first grade
- 【085】pal reading
- 【086】partner reading
- 【087】poetry club
- 【088】practicing being a good reader
- 【089】read to self in second grade
- 【090】read to someone in second grade
- 【091】read to someone
- 【092】reader's theater
- 【093】reader's theater
- 【094】reading for growth and self-reflection
- 【095】technology in the listening center
- 【096】the a in the café
- 【097】the daily 5 in first grade
- 【098】the daily five
- 【099】the daily five
- 【100】the daily five
- 【101】the daily five
- 【102】the f in the café
- 【103】the ginger bread boy
- 【104】toobaloo and echo mic
- 【105】what's the text message
- 【106】口语练习 bean bag walk
- 【107】five little latkes
- 【108】action poem
- 【109】café drama center
- 【110】community circle
- 【111】creating a classroom pizza parlor
- 【112】dramatic play
- 【113】dramatic weather!
- 【114】everybody sing!
- 【115】exploring seasons
- 【116】feeling angry song
- 【117】five little monkeys
- 【118】five senses fun
- 【119】i'm thinking of something
- 【120】inspiring charms
- 【121】learning luggage
- 【122】listening center
- 【123】listening centers in first grade
- 【124】meaningful show and tell in first grade
- 【125】milling to music
- 【126】morning calendar and weather
- 【127】mystery bag
- 【128】mystery bag
- 【129】mystery bag
- 【130】pizza parlor
- 【131】puppets and props
- 【132】sand table and flannel board
- 【133】school family song
- 【134】stories and more!
- 【135】television stars!
- 【136】the drama center
- 【137】the log hotel
- 【138】the very important person
- 【139】theme-based pretend play
- 【140】tooty ta song
- 【141】days of the week
- 【142】water cooler talk
- 【143】using the sandbox for pretend play
- 【144】alphabet artwork
- 【145】art from the heart
- 【146】author of the month
- 【147】a classroom economy
- 【148】blowing in the wind
- 【149】book maker app
- 【150】bookworm heaven!
- 【151】borrowing books
- 【152】character-building books
- 【153】chicka, chicka, boom, boom
- 【154】city abc book
- 【155】class blog
- 【156】class jobs
- 【157】classroom computers in first grade
- 【158】classroom computers in first grade
- 【159】classroom mailbox
- 【160】classroom read alouds
- 【161】cross-curricular library
- 【162】cuddle up with a good book
- 【163】daily read alouds
- 【164】dealing with first day jitters
- 【165】dial-a-story!
- 【166】don't lose that thought!
- 【167】earthworms, snails and hermit crabs
- 【168】everywhere man
- 【169】exciting picture messages
- 【170】extra! extra! read all about it!
- 【171】favorite books
- 【172】favorite read alouds
- 【173】figurative language and poetic devices
- 【174】flower power
- 【175】fold a tetrahedron
- 【176】global partners junior details
- 【177】global partners junior overview
- 【178】good fit books
- 【179】growing flowers
- 【180】how to fold a tetrahedron
- 【181】how to make foil guy
- 【182】inspirational stories
- 【183】interactive whiteboard
- 【184】interactive writing in kindergarten
- 【185】investigating cereal
- 【186】learning letter sounds with starfall
- 【187】leveled books in first grade
- 【188】leveled reading bins
- 【189】listening centers in first grade
- 【190】making apple sauce
- 【191】making it real!
- 【192】making science fun!
- 【193】making teddy bears
- 【194】math investigation station
- 【195】monthly storyboard
- 【196】morning message
- 【197】name game
- 【198】name game
- 【199】news of the day
- 【200】pac mangles
- 【201】party invitations
- 【202】personal browsing bins
- 【203】poetry club
- 【204】popplet app
- 【205】practicing poetry
- 【206】principal read aloud
- 【207】reading and writing around the room
- 【208】reading buddy props
- 【209】reading chart to track progress
- 【210】reading corner
- 【211】reading in kindergarten
- 【212】real-world math
- 【213】research on sustainability
- 【214】retro phone and speech-to-text
- 【215】shared reading
- 【216】sharing storybooks
- 【217】small group shared reading
- 【218】smart board book interaction
- 【219】smart board riddles
- 【220】starfall
- 【221】statue game
- 【222】story station
- 【223】act it out!
- 【224】storyline online
- 【225】storyline online
- 【226】student made books
- 【227】swamp surprise
- 【228】taking a math shapes walk
- 【229】technology in the listening center
- 【230】teeny tiny books
- 【231】the eggspert learning toy
- 【232】the ginger bread boy
- 【233】walk and stop
- 【234】what are we doing in class today
- 【235】wheel of fortune
- 【236】word stretchercisers
- 【237】writers' wall
- 【238】writer's workshop
- 【239】writing wizards portfolio wall
- 【240】作文课 文本结构和体裁 anchor charts
- 【241】behind the mask
- 【242】a visual portfolio
- 【243】all about me autobiography
- 【244】are you convincing
- 【245】artwork writing
- 【246】black history month
- 【247】book cover design
- 【248】bookworm heaven!
- 【249】candy ads
- 【250】candy creations
- 【251】candy creations
- 【252】celebrating one hundred books
- 【253】celebrating one hundred books
- 【254】choosing
- 【255】class pets
- 【256】classroom library
- 【257】classroom library
- 【258】comical writing
- 【259】creating a classroom library
- 【260】creating connections with literacy
- 【261】creating science posters
- 【262】cross-curricular library
- 【263】designing music albums
- 【264】diary of a spider
- 【265】did it make you laugh
- 【266】experience the process
- 【267】exploring writing
- 【268】extra! extra! read all about it!
- 【269】fairy tale checklist
- 【270】figurative language and poetic devices
- 【271】fraction friends
- 【272】haiku poetry
- 【273】haiku, acrostic and cinquain
- 【274】home journals
- 【275】how to make a fire truck!
- 【276】how to make a list
- 【277】ingredients for a poem
- 【278】integrating mathematics and literacy
- 【279】let’s talk about books
- 【280】lucy calkins writing workshop
- 【281】magnet man
- 【282】math flowers
- 【283】mathematics and literacy
- 【284】my fraction pizza
- 【285】non-fiction fun
- 【286】non-fiction fun
- 【287】not a box
- 【288】novel study
- 【289】pillow making
- 【290】poetry fridays
- 【291】poetry perfection
- 【292】poetry with pizzazz
- 【293】procedure match up
- 【294】puppet stories
- 【295】read all about it!
- 【296】re-enacting procedures
- 【297】safety tips
- 【298】seasonal art
- 【299】simple machines
- 【300】sock creatures
- 【301】soda pop label designs
- 【302】summary map
- 【303】sunshine books
- 【304】taking on a new voice
- 【305】ways to write and read
- 【306】wednesday morning book shop
- 【307】what's cooking
- 【308】women we admire
- 【309】writing a recount
- 【310】writing center
- 【311】writing how-to books
- 【312】writing to a character
- 【313】美国幼儿园和小学课堂 阅读理解的技巧 before, during and after questions
- 【314】auditory go chart
- 【315】go chart booklets
- 【316】go charts
- 【317】greedy cat
- 【318】felt board retell
- 【319】favorite read alouds
- 【320】five senses story reading
- 【321】story bits
- 【322】sing those strategies!
- 【323】sing those strategies!
- 【324】sentence starters
- 【325】retelling glove
- 【326】interactive story retelling
- 【327】reading toolkit
- 【328】reading and writing stories
- 【329】let’s talk about books
- 【330】reading and writing hat stories
- 【331】question chart
- 【332】pick a corner
- 【333】my favorite part
- 【334】mind pictures
- 【335】meaningful contexts
- 【336】literacy centers
- 【337】powerful predictions
- 【338】a tool for reading
- 【339】anchor charts
- 【340】anchor your comprehension
- 【341】author's perspective
- 【342】book buddies that work!
- 【343】close reading
- 【344】developmental reading assessment
- 【345】face of a reader
- 【346】four square retelling
- 【347】go chart
- 【348】greedy cat
- 【349】guided reading
- 【350】guided reading
- 【351】guided reading
- 【352】harvey & goudvis comprehension tool kit
- 【353】i know this character
- 【354】inferring matters
- 【355】let's make predictions
- 【356】literacy cafe in first grade
- 【357】literacy in mathematics
- 【358】literature circles
- 【359】open-ended questions
- 【360】pictorial k-w-l
- 【361】predicting and inferring
- 【362】reader's notebook
- 【363】reading and writing hat stories
- 【364】reading comprehension
- 【365】reading for growth and self-reflection
- 【366】reading power
- 【367】reading workshop
- 【368】retell the text
- 【369】sharing storybooks
- 【370】story re-enactment
- 【371】student book talks
- 【372】summary map
- 【373】technology, games and manipulatives
- 【374】the c in the café
- 【375】the daily 5 in first grade
- 【376】think alouds
- 【377】tic tac toe homework
- 【378】tricky words strategies
- 【379】visualize it!
- 【380】what do you conclude
- 【381】what do you wonder
- 【382】what's the big idea
- 【383】what's the text message
- 【384】who wears these shoes
- 【385】word problems in first grade
- 【386】美国小学英语课堂绘本大声朗读教学策略
- 【387】writing wizards portfolio wall
- 【388】cafe
- 【389】cafe
- 【390】celebrating personal successes
- 【391】climb every mountain
- 【392】collaborating with peers
- 【393】daily reading conferences
- 【394】descriptive feedback
- 【395】developmental reading assessment
- 【396】developmental reading assessment
- 【397】empower reading program assessment
- 【398】feedback board
- 【399】guided reading
- 【400】running records
- 【401】setting learning goals
- 【402】student response system
- 【403】student-led conferences
- 【404】voice
- 【405】writing assessment
- 【406】Fourth Grade - Reading lesson on Mood - Ms. Barclay's Class - Halverson Ele
- 【407】幼儿园教学01 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【408】幼儿园教学02 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【409】幼儿园教学03 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【410】幼儿园教学04 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【411】幼儿园教学05 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【412】幼儿园教学06 How to teach Kids - from a Prague kindergarten
- 【413】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 1 - 7 wattsenglish
- 【414】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 8 - 15 wattsenglish
- 【415】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 16 - 22 wattsenglish
- 【416】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 23 - 28 wattsenglish
- 【417】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 29 - 34 wattsenglish
- 【418】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 35 - 41 wattsenglish
- 【419】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 42 - 47 wattsenglish
- 【420】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 48 - 52 wattsenglish
- 【421】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 62- 68 wattsenglish
- 【422】生动幼儿课堂游戏 I game bank game 69 - 74wattsenglish
- 【423】Hoop Forfeit
- 【424】stone jar
- 【425】Game bank- bingo
- 【426】Flash card twister
- 【427】Who said that
- 【428】生动幼儿课堂游戏
- 【429】Morning Circle at Preschool
- 【430】Jean Cole 4th Grade Frontier Elementary Classroom Observation2
- 【431】Learn How To Teach 'Skidamarink' from Super Simple songs
- 【432】How To Teach 'Open Shut Them' - A Great Kids' Song
- 【433】How To Teach The 'Hello' Song
- 【434】How To Teach 'See You Later, Alligator'
- 【435】Learn How To Teach 'Row Row Row Your Boat'
- 【436】How To Teach 'Let's Go To The Zoo' - Animals Song
- 【437】How To Teach 'Ten In The Bed' - Numbers Song For Kids
- 【438】How To Teach 'How Many Fingers'
- 【439】How To Teach 'This Is The Way'
- 【440】How To Teach '10 Little Fishies' - Numbers Song For Kids
- 【441】How To Teach A Sailor Went To Sea - A Super Silly Kids Song!
- 【442】How To Teach 'Are You Hungry' - A Fun Food Song for Kids!
- 【443】How To Teach 'Baby Shark' - With Gestures for Baby Shark
- 【444】How To Teach BINGO - A Great Song For ESL Classes!
- 【445】How To Teach 'Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)' - A Fun Body Parts
- 【446】How To Teach 'If You're Happy' - Circle Time Song For Kids
- 【447】How to teach Kids from a Prague kindergarten, part 1 English for Children
- 【448】How To Teach 'Put On Your Shoes' - A Great Clothing Song for Kids
- 【449】How To Teach 'Ten Little Dinosaurs' - A Simple Counting Song For Kids
- 【450】Learn How To Teach 'Five Little Ducks' - Fun Numbers Song For Kids
- 【451】Learn How To Teach 'Follow Me' - Music & Movement Song For Kids
- 【452】Learn How To Teach 'Here Is The Beehive' - A Finger Play Song For Kids
- 【453】Learn How To Teach 'Mary Had A Kangaroo' - Animals and Descriptive Adjectiv
- 【454】Learn How To Teach 'My Teddy Bear' - Kids' Song for Teaching Parts Of The B
- 【455】Learn How To Teach 'Rain Rain Go Away' - Classroom Song for Kids
- 【456】Learn How To Teach 'Red Light, Green Light' from Super Simple Songs
- 【457】Learn How To Teach 'The Wheels On The Bus' by Super Simple Songs
- 【458】Learn How To Teach 'The Bath Song' by Super Simple Songs
- 【459】How To Teach 'Brush Your Teeth'
- 【460】How To Teach 'Rock Scissors Paper #1'
- 【461】Learn How To Teach 'Rock Scissors Paper #2'
- 【462】Learn How To Teach 'Rock Scissors Paper #3'
- 【463】Learn How To Teach 'Rock Scissors Paper #4'
- 【464】How To Teach 'I Have A Pet'
- 【465】美国幼儿园和小学课堂读写能力开发 personal view of teaching
- 【466】personal view of teaching (ab
- 【467】personal view of teaching (gd 5th 6th grade)
- 【468】personal view of teaching (lc)
- 【469】personal view of teaching (sc 3rd 4th grade)
- 【470】general studies principal
- 【471】hebrew studies principal
- 【472】personal view of teaching (ar)
- 【473】personal view of teaching (cs)
- 【474】personal view of teaching (ehb)
- 【475】personal view of teaching (ep 1st grade)
- 【476】personal view of teaching (jl)
- 【477】personal view of teaching (lh)
- 【478】personal view of teaching (md)
- 【479】personal view of teaching (mm)
- 【480】personal view of teaching (nr)
- 【481】the rabbi of a hebrew day school
- 【482】personal view of teaching (pd)
- 【483】personal view of teaching (rq)
- 【484】personal view of teaching (sc)
- 【485】personal view of teaching (sh)
- 【486】personal view of teaching (sp)
- 【487】principal discusses her elementary literacy program (cn)
- 【488】student resource coordinator
- 【489】technology specialist
- 【490】personal view of teaching (pb
- 【491】美国幼儿园和小学课堂系列:开发孩子的识字动机 how to fold a tetrahedron
- 【492】investigating cereal
- 【493】making teddy bears
- 【494】figurative language and poetic devices
- 【495】global partners junior details
- 【496】the eggspert learning toy
- 【497】class blog
- 【498】extra! extra! read all about it!
- 【499】party invitations
- 【500】writer's workshop